Te whiwhi whakaaetanga ki te uru whenua

Get land permission for your conservation project

It is important to make sure you have appropriate land permissions before commencing any work. Working through the permissions process can also help create long-term and beneficial relationships.

Working with mana whenua

Mana whenua can advise on how the whenua (land) and natural taonga (treasures) are managed in their rohe (traditional area).

They can provide advice on:

  • what to do if you find taonga (natural or cultural artefacts)
  • important sites within their rohe such as wāhi tapu (sacred places) or urupā (burial grounds).

Mana whenua have a wealth of understanding about the whenua (land). Working with them will give you conservation project depth and meaning.

Working on private land

Approximately 30 per cent of remaining indigenous ecosystems are on private land. This means that many projects need permission from the landowner or property manager.

The permission process involves talking to the land owner to understanding what:

  • specific health and safety hazards are present
  • pest control methods may be acceptable.

Make sure you get the landowner's permission to work on their land in writing, and that you record any conditions you have discussed. The document should be signed by you and the land owner. This makes sure everyone has the same understanding and expectations of what is going to happen.

Working and volunteering on parks or reserves

It is important to understand what agency or department is responsible for the park or reserve you want to work on. It could be Auckland Council, the Department of Conservation or another organisation.

Although it may be public land, you must get permission before starting any work. When doing so, you should also find out about:

  • what specific resourcing is available
  • health and safety hazards
  • acceptable pest control methods.

Search the conservation map to find out who manages a specific park or reserve.

For permission to work or volunteer on a regional or local parks, DOC land or other public reserves, use the contact us online form to connect. Make sure you select "Volunteering or getting permission to do conservation work" and identify the reserve or park you would like to work on before submitting your request. 

Working with other groups or organisations

It is good practice to find out if another group or organisation is working in your area before you start your project.

Work together and learn more about their project. These community groups could:

  • compliment your project to help you achieve yours goals faster
  • collaborate with your community group to share ideas and learn from each other
  • share resources for future project work.

See our Community Stewardship layer on the conservation map to find out who is working in your area.
