Photo credit: Jason Hosking
Photo credit: Jason Hosking

Te Haumanu Taiao – read the guide

Find out about this important guide that provides a wealth of practical restoration information, alongside the perspectives and aspirations of mana whenua for te taiao.

Photo credit: Jason Hosking


‘Te Haumanu Taiao: Restoring the natural environment in Tāmaki Makaurau’ (Te Haumanu Taiao) supports Aucklanders to achieve their ecological restoration goals and to further enable the indigenous biodiversity of our region to heal and flourish. 

The resource was created in partnership with Ngā Iwi Mana Whenua o Tāmaki Makaurau and includes their perspectives on restoration including kaitiakitanga, prioritising the practices of local tribal authorities to uphold ‘Te Mana o te Taiao’ and guidance on engaging with mana whenua.

Restoration projects, whether they cover 100 square metres or 100 hectares, are critical to retaining and extending the native environment across our region. Te Haumanu Taiao complements the Indigenous terrestrial and wetland ecosystems of Auckland that describes the terrestrial and wetland ecosystems occurring in the Auckland region and the restoration guide provides guidance on restoring each of these ecosystems.

The objectives of this resource are to provide:

  • guidance on how to maximise and measure ecological outcomes of a restoration project
  • current best practice methods for common forms of restoration in Tāmaki Makaurau / Auckland
  • ecosystem-specific guidance to restore specific terrestrial, wetland, and riparian ecosystem types
  • cultural perspectives on the maximisation and measurement of Māori outcomes of a restoration project

The resource has no formal regulatory status but provides best practice guidance for restoration projects and conservation planting that may be required as part of resource consent processes in the Tāmaki Makaurau / Auckland region.

Please refer all resource consent related queries to the Auckland Council website.
