Cenchrus caudatus syn. Cenchrus macrourus, syn. Pennisetum macrourum

African feather grass

Also known as:

Veld grass

Family: Poaceae

Origin: South Africa

The flowerhead of the African feather grass is tall and spiky.
The leaves of African feather grass are tough, light green on top and darker green underneath.
Photo credit: Jonathan Boow

Regional Pest Management Plan (RPMP) status

  • Whole region — Eradication
  • Hauraki Gulf Controlled Area Notice pest

View more about the RPMP statuses

General description

Clump-forming perennial grass < 2 m tall. Roots are deep and fibrous. Stems are erect, purple/white and covered in fine hairs. Leaves are light green with darker green underside, strongly ribbed and tough. Flowerhead is narrow, cylindrical and spike-like.

What you need to know

To help protect our environment:

  • You must not breed, distribute, release or sell African feather grass within the Auckland region.
  • You must not plant African feather grass within the Auckland region.

Auckland Council will control African feather grass at all sites where it is known to occur.

If you see African feather grass anywhere in the Auckland region, please report it to Auckland Council at pestfree@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz.


Pastures, roadsides, streambanks, swamps, wasteland, urban areas, cemeteries, gardens.


Seeds dispersed by wind, water and attachment to animal pelts. Vegetative spread from rhizome fragments.

Impact on environment

Aggressive invader. Particularly threatens native species in grassland, scrubland, wetland and sand-dune habitats. Dense clumps may restrict access to natural areas.


Site management

Unpalatable to livestock, do not graze. Do not treat when seed mature as increases contamination risk. Fire hazard after spraying. Follow-up spray at least 6 monthly until regrowth ceases. Do not replant with monocots for 2 years after initial spray. Where possible replant with dicot groundcover spp. to allow follow-up haloxyfop spraying.

Recommended approaches

Do not attempt to undertake control of this species. Please report to Auckland Council.

Caution: When using any herbicide or pesticide please read the label thoroughly to ensure that all instructions and safety requirements are followed.

African feather grass lined up between a pavement and a fence.
African feather grass has long fluffy heads that grow up to 300 mm long with soft bristles. It flowers in summer.
Photo credit: Jonathan Boow
African feather grass growing wild in a park.
African feather grass is able to grow in almost any habitat.
Photo credit: Jonathan Boow
African feather grass growing in clusters.
Originally introduced to New Zealand as soil binding plant.
Photo credit: Jonathan Boow
A close up of a flowerhead of the African feather grass.
African feather grass can also be a fire hazard.
Photo credit: Jonathan Boow
A woman is reaching into a bush of African feather grass that's growing next to a fence.
Perennial grass forming large clumps, like a small pampas.
Photo credit: Jonathan Boow
A close up of the tall spindly stem with white fine hair.
African feather grass has round erect purplish-white stems with fine hairs that break off when touched.
Photo credit: Jonathan Boow
Close up of an african feather grass stem with short hairs.
Fine hairs break off when touched, sometimes causing skin irritations.
Photo credit: Jonathan Boow
Close up of the flowerhead of the African feather grass.
It has cylindrical, spike-like flowerheads.
Close up of the flowerhead of the African feather grass with all the flowers dried out.
Seeds are spread via water and by wind as well as on clothing and animals.
Photo credit: Jonathan Boow