Ngā mahi āhuarangi me ngā tikanga tokonga roa
Climate action and sustainability
Our quality of life depends on a healthy natural environment. We need to reduce our emissions and move towards a more sustainable future.
If we want a healthy natural environment, we need to change our response to climate change. This means moving away from a human-centered approach toward an ecological-centred approach.
Take action to reduce your personal emissions and we all reap the benefits.
Healthy ecosystems trap and sequester carbon, retain water, and prevent soil erosion. We need to protect the birds, reptiles and plants affected by loss of habitat.
There are many everyday choices you can make to reduce your emissions.
Start with these resources
Find out more
Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri
Auckland's Climate Plan is live now. Understand how climate change threatens our natural environment and biodiversity, and learn about the actions we can take to address these challenges.