Conservation support we offer
Find out how Auckland Council empowers all Aucklanders to take action to protect and restore te taiaio (the environment).
How we can help you
Our support includes:
- Expertise and advice on how to take care of our natural environment e.g. specialist conservation and animal management expertise, help to identify plant and animal species (including pests) and covenants to protect land
- Support to schools who want to carry out conservation activities
- Regional pest animal and plant control programmes on rural public and private land
- Advice on how to collect and manage conservation data
- Initial help to control target pest plant species around our ecologically significant parks and other areas
- Some tools and resources on a case-by-case basis like animal traps, bait stations, bait etc
- Individual and tailored group training and support
- Communication expertise and advice to groups
- Support for local conservation events
- Connections for those wanting to give financial or in-kind support to conservation initiatives.
Click the contact us button below to get in touch with us.
Conservation resources and information
Our resource library has lots of information about:
- how to manage plant and pest animals
- conservation monitoring and education
- managing and maintaining data
- planting and restoration planning
- funding opportunities
- running community groups.
You can also check out these links:
- Interactive conservation map - explore the data on the natural taonga (treasures) that surround us and Aucklanders working hard to protect it
- Auckland Conservation Directory - add your organisation and find others doing similar work
- Conservation related events and opportunities - find an event or opportunity near you.
In partnership with mana whenua
Alongside supporting mana whenua with their aspirations for te taiao, Auckland Council supports engagement between mana whenua and individuals, groups and organisations interested in, or carrying out conservation activities. Check out the following resources:
- Kaitiakitanga - mana whenua and the environment
- Mātauranga and conservation working side by side
- Engaging with mana whenua
- Know your iwi
Sign up for our newsletters
Keep up to date by signing up for our monthly Pest Free e-newsletter.
Click the contact us button below If you lead, coordinate or facilitate a community conservation group, to request the monthly Conservation Leaders newsletter.
Our social media
Follow our Auckland Biodiversity Facebook page to find out what council and Aucklanders are doing and how to get involved.
In person events
Come along to our quarterly Pest Liaison Group meeting (PLG). These get togethers have been running since 2000 and are an opportunity to get together face to face with council and Department of Conservation staff, community and industry to learn about and share all things conservation. You can sign up to the mailing list for updates on the next event by emailing Access Auckland Council's YouTube channel to take a look at the videos of past presentations at PLG.
We also support communities to run regular conservation events sometimes called 'Pestivals'. The Find an event or opportunity near you section on the website is a good place to keep an eye out for these events. They are also advertised on our Facebook page and in our Pest Free News (see the newsletter section above).
If you need help or support
Contact us about any of the above and if you need our help or support with your conservation work, or have any questions.